La Regione del Ticino, “Il nuovo Campus sarà… Essentia”, Ticino, 09.07.2011

Corriere del Ticino, “L’Essentia del campus”, Ticino, 09.07.2011

L’Informatore, “Un progetto essenziale”, Ticino, 15.07.2011

Giornale del Popolo, “Uno sguardo sul futuro campus universitario di Viganello”, Ticino, 15.07.2011

Koha Ditore, “Arbnor Murati përgjigjet në 40 pyetje”, Kosovo, 14.03.2012

Rivista di Lugano, “Alla ricerca della sobrietà”, Ticino, 27.07.2012

Koha Ditore, “Best of përgjigjet në 40 pyetje”, Kosovo 31.12.2012
- Press
- Corriere del Ticino, “Una Silicon Valley svizzera futura a Dübendorf”, Ticino, 15.09.2007
- Die Oberländer Gesamtausgabe, „Innovationspark soll nach Dübendorf“, St.Gallen, 15.09.2007
- Die Botschaft, “Innovationspark in Dübendorf machbar”, Bern, 15.09.2007
- Blick, “Innovationspark statt Flugplatz”, Switzerland, 15.09.2007
- Tages Anzeiger, “Forschungspark statt Militär”, Switzerland, 15.09.2007
- Basler Zeitung, “Ein Zentrum für Brillanz”, Basel, 15.09.2007
- Heute Zürich, “Innovationspark für Zürich”, Zürich, 14.09.2007
- NZZ, “Neue Pläne für Dübendorfer Flugplatz-Areal”, Zürich, 15.09.2007
- Tagesanzeiger, “Dübendorf soll zum Forschungsparadies werden”, Zürich, 15.09.2007
- Zürcher Landszeitung, “Innovation auf der besten Wiese Europas”, Zürich, 15.09.2007
- Le Temps, “Un parc technologicue à la place d’un aéroport?”, Genève, 18.09.2007
- arkline, albanian review of architecture, engineering and urban planning, Prishtina, nr.6 11.2007
- NZZ, “Der lange weg vom Flugplatz zum Innovationspark”, Zürich, 31. March 2008
- Giornale del Popolo, “Campus USI/SUPSI, ecco il progetto vincente”, Ticino, 09.07.2011
- La Regione del Ticino, “Il nuovo Campus sarà… Essentia”, Ticino, 09.07.2011
- Corriere del Ticino, “L’Essentia del campus”, Ticino, 09.07.2011
- L’Informatore, “Un progetto essenziale”, Ticino, 15.07.2011
- La rivista di Lugano, “L’Essenza del campus”, Ticino, 15.07.2011
- Giornale del Popolo, “Uno sguardo sul futuro campus universitario di Viganello”, Ticino, 15.07.2011
- Tessiner Zeitung, “Tessiner gestaltet Uni-Campus”, Ticino, 15.07.2011
- Koha Ditore, “Arkitekti kosovar mahnit botën me projektin e Kampusit Universitar”, Kosovo, 03.08.2011
- Shekulli, “Arbnor Murati, triumf arkitekturor ne Zvicër”, Albania, 06.08.2011
- Kosova Sot, “Sfiduesi i arkitektëve botërorë”, Kosovo, 13.08.2011
- Koha Ditore, “Arbnor Murati përgjigjet në 40 pyetje”, Kosovo, 14.03.2012
- Rivista di Lugano, “Via libera per l’Università”, Ticino, 27.04.2012
- Rivista di Lugano, “Alla ricerca della sobrietà”, Ticino, 27.07.2012
- Koha Ditore, “Best of përgjigjet në 40 pyetje”, Kosovo 31.12.2012

The City as a Resourse, Texts and Projects 2005-2014, Chair of Prof. Kees Christiaance ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 2015

Conference, “Prishtina Quo Vadis?”, Architecture and Identity, International Architecture Conference, AAB University, Kosovo, 24-25.04.2015

Exposition, “1 Erfindung 1 Entdeckung 1 Innovation”, ”architekture 0.14”, Maag Halle, Zürich, Switzerland, 23-26.10.2014

Workshop tutor, “Sustainability & green architecture”, Ecoweek Prishtina 2014, Kosovo,12-19.10.2014

Conference “Autopoiesis”, Kosovo Architecture Week,, “KAF”, Prishtina, Kosovo, 01.07.2013

Campus USI/SUPSI Lugano-Viganello, Archi, Nr.6, Verlags-AG der akademischen technischen Vereine, Switzerland, 20.12.2011

Um dreissig, “Architektur ohne Stadt”, werk bauen + wohnen, Nr.12, Bauen + Wohnen GmbH, Switzerland, 16.12.2011

Urbane “Bildungslücke” Unicampus Lugano, baublatt, Nr.38, Docu Media Schweiz GmbH, Switzerland, 23.09.2011

Ecco il Campus due, SQUARE USI-Magazine, Nr. 6, Università della Svizzera italiana Press, Switzerland, 6 autumn 2011

Unicampus in Lugano Viganello, TEC 21, Nr.35, Verlags-AG der akademischen technischen Vereine, Switzerland, 26.08.2011
- Publications
Arbnor Murati
ArchitectureMoosmattstrasse 30
CH-8953 Zürich
Arbnor Murati studied architecture at the ETH Zurich and at the Accademia di Architettura in Mendrisio. In 2009 he opened his own office in Morcote where in 2012 expanded in Lugano. In 2011, Arbnor Murati only twenty nine years old, won the prestigious international competition of the Campus university USI/SUPSI, Lugano 1st prize. From 2005-2009 was editor-in-chief of thearchitecture, engineering and urban planning review arkline. Since 2010 is teaching associate at Architecture Faculty at University of Prishtina. Arbnor Murati’s works have been published in several press and journals like Tec21, Baublatt, Archi and Werk, Bauen und Wohnen where this last one in 2011 announce him as among the best architects about 30’s in Switzerland. Since 2014 is member of FSU (Federation suisse des urbanistes) and counselor of the Director, Department of Urbanism, Construction and Environmental Protection in Municipality of Pristina. Today Arbnor Murati with his planing and construction Team is working on several projects situated in Switzerland and around the World.
Curriculum Vitae
- 1981 Prishtina
- 2002-09 School of Architecture, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zrich, Switzerland
- 2002-09 School of Architecture, USI Accademia di Architettura, Mendrisio, Switzerland
- 2009 Master of Science in Architecture USI-AAM with Prof. Valerio Olgiati
- 2009 Office, Morcote, Switzerland
- 2010 Member of SIA (Schweizerischer ingenieur-und architektenverein)
- 2010 Member of OTIA (Ordine Ticinese degli Ingegneri e Architetti)
- 2005-09 Editor-in-chief of the architecture, engineering and urban planning review arkline
- 2012 Office, Lugano, Switzerland
- 2010-14 Teaching associate, Architecture Faculty, University of Pristina
- 2012-14 President and coordinator of the Consortium Campus Essentia, Lugano, Switzerland
- 2014 Counselor of the Director, Department of Urbanism, Construction and Environnement, Municipality of Pristina, Kosovo
- 2014 Member of FSU (Federation suisse des urbanistes)
- 2016 Office, Zurich, Switzerland
Epoch Ball
In the anonymous context of a small village in Aargau there is nothing to read there is nothing to understand. It’s e reduction but in the history of architecture an opening defined the spirit of an epoch. The project aimed to introduce again architecture into a kitch context.

The village of Safenwil has an anonymous identity. The lack of character of the ’60 is visible in every building. Buildings with functionalistic floorsplans combined by brown, orange and light purple facades are everywhere.
A client asked us to elevate a another floor to every Block and give a them a “new” identity. It wasn’t easy to make out of these Roof-floors Parterre-floors. What was the modernity of the ’30 again?
Gent Murati Valon Gjonaj |

In the far and hidden village of Beinwil am See lives the everlast Pan God emigrated from the south.
The peculiarity of this god was therefore to possess all the merits and all the faults of the human race, however, brought to very high levels.
In mythology his role was completely contrasting: from the extreme wisdom to the incredible cruelty.
We were engaged to renovate his House. The result is brutal as Pan himself “with all the qualities and all the faults”.
Beinwil am See | Valon Gjonaj Diane Maksutaj Barbara Navone Mirela Qupevaj |

In the rich city of Baden a client decides to build appartments.
The building laws of the municipality are rigid and absurd. The context is boring.
There are different types of spaces in architecture “generic spaces” , “fluid spaces” … and the intention was to dissipate the symbolic the ornamental and the structural in a cosmic space.
cspace | Valon Gjonaj Image: Arch. Federico Testa |

Questions overhead us today. What does it mean to “pray”? What does it mean to approach “God”? What are the places?
May be a controverse axiom that space defines geometry, geometry defines lines, points, angles etc.
Doesn’t matter where, doesn’t matter how; sacral spaces need one projektion need one plan.
Edon Hoxha Barbara Navone Valon Gjonaj |

In a small farming village of Luzern a young entrepreneur decides to build up appartaments for his family members. The space is a Soliloquy, it is true, elementar and brutal as the Nature in it self. Because Nature is brutal.
Hitzkirch, Switzerland | Taissa Pedrini Edon Hoxha Fedrico Testa image |

House M
In the small caracteristic municipality of Menziken a big family has little space in their 80’s eternit house. In the first view it seems sufficient but it is only a good “deception” of the context.
The Order determines the Size, the Size produces a Paradox. The Paradox is a presence of two contradictory assertions. But is it Sillogism, Paradox or Contraddiction?. Thesis and antithesis in an antinomy
Collaborators: | Taissa Pedrini Rrita Kalaveshi Federico Testa image |

Over a hill in capital city Prishtina, a young successful entrepreneur comissioned a villa for his family. The program defined the entire freedom. The House stands consciously between Invention-Exploration-Innovation noting that at the end may not probably be Architecture anymore.
Location | Prishtina, Kosovo |
Collaborators | Marcelo Hagedorn Lorik Rexhaj Liridon Kabashi |
Client | Blerim Sinani |
Project phase | Design |

Apartments, Winterthur
In the neighborhood preservated zone, we find small structured apartments. The nearly cubic buildings are provided as solitary buildings at the border line. Narrow yards with walls and fences define the street space. This inbetween space is used as a garden.
The apparently unregular disposition in the context is simulating a natural, organic and free further development. The new building dialogues with its traditional twin and together they generate an evolving collective Artefact. This analogical dialogik takes place in content and form. An evolutionary deformation in the plan, facades, heights.
Location | Winterthur, Switzerland |
Collaborators | Federico Testa Mustafe Kryeziu |
Client | Qamil Shala |
Project phase | Execution |

Proposal for a future development of the city of Prishtina
Prishtina, the capital city of Kosovo, is expected to grow rapidly in the near future. Developing the center is just one among the many themes to cope with for expanding the city. We proposed the definition of an accomplished vision with a better relationship of horizontal expansion / vertical density, eliminating the existing post structuralistic “a priori” urban and architecture concept.
Location | Prishtina, Kosovo |
Collaborators | Federico Testa |
Project Phase | Concept |

Au Midi
Competition for a multipurpose hall and apartments
The small village of Lechelles has developed around two poles, the cantonal road and the railway station. The intervention aims to maintain the natural development of the village, by embodying the upcoming pedestrian road. The new buildings are set in a way they manage to enhance the heritage of the place, where the character of the existing is being exalted into a reformed tradition. It’s about a poetic-dialogic revitalisation of the heritage, where mystical references merge into a unity, a mix between a progressive modernism and a degressive tradition.
Location | Lechelles, Canton Fribourg, Switzerland |
Collaborators | Federico Testa Ivan Kunz (modelmaker) |
Client | Administration Communale de Lechelles |
Project phase | Competition, participation |

Residential block, Prishtina
The client, a construction company, wanted a profitable residential building to be built in this plot of land in the periphery of the capital city Pristina. The residential block has been planned exploiting the maximum allowance given by local construction regulations. The living areas, divided into single units, each one with a balcony, are located on the outer layer of the building so that the servant spaces are situated in the along the central axis, the darkest side of the space. The flexible structure, allows different sizes of apartments. The structure is consciously ambiguous. The existing vernacular is being reinterpreted as a new contemporary modernism. The building expresses itself as an autopoiesis for the new Weltanschauung in Kosovo.
Location | Prishtina, Kosovo |
Collaborators | Federico Testa, Marcelo Hagedorn, Taulant Murati, Ilir Shaqiri |
Client | N.N.P. Universal Faik Hasani Mitrovica, Kosovo |
Project phase | Study |
Copyright | Arbnor Murati |

Hockey Stadium, Almaty
The Hockey stadium of Almaty is composed by three volumes containing a game arena and two training arenas. An Arena has a defined geometry. The Hockey Stadium is surrounded by a ring of public plaza, public green and a parking lot. The ovals are internally divided into rings, circulation, shopping and arenas. The steel structure is cladded with glass. A „Fremdkörper“, a Yurt in the snow desert.
Location | Almaty, Kazakhstan |
Collaborators | Federico Testa |
Client | Mabetex Group, Lugano |
Project phase | Study |

Harmonia Mundi
Swiss Embassy, Yaoundé, Camerun
The new swiss embassy in Yaoundé is divided in two units: the first one, the living area for the swiss ambassador and his guests and the second one, the chancellery, for employees and visa applicants. The two different functional units are joined by a sloping oval green garden. To emphasize the representative character of the building the whole embassy is conceived in black basalt. As an african mandala expresses the center of his inner being, an embassy should express his essence as an
anonymous fortress. Harmonia Mundi is the balance constituted between being immutable, eternal and space mutable and corrupt. The equilibrium between spirit and matter.
Location | Yaoundé, Camerun |
Collaborators | Luigi Travaglino, Taulant Murati |
Client | Swiss Confederation |
Project phase | Competition, participation |

University Campus USI/SUPSI, Lugano
From the essence of the meaning of what a Campus is, the complex has been divided in two parts: common spaces and USI/SUPSI Block. Because of program layout, the building along the perimeter, containing mensa, library, kindergarten, sport, startup center etc. flows into the neighborhood serving the surrounding context, the USI-SUPSI buildings and the USI complex beyond the river. The green space in the middle becomes a revival of Parco Ciani. The architectural elements treat the coexistence of the complexio oppositorum: on one side generating-creating, idea-matter, transcendence-immanence and on the other side eteronomy-autonomy, nature-abstraction, tradition-progress, tectonic-atectonic…thesynthesis of the eternal present. Symbolum est communis Essentia.
Location | Lugano Viganello |
Collaborators | Luigi Travaglino, Tindaro Rao, Daniela Pescetti, Marcos De Sousa, Manuel Bellagamba, Corinne Corioni, Taulant Murati |
Client | Fondazione USI, SUPSI |
Project Phase | Competition 1st Prize, Planning |
Copyright | Arbnor Murati |

House D&M
House Refurbishment, Comano
Thirty years ago the client, owner of a material company, has built this house without the help of an architect. Since his children have now grown up he and his wife wanted to refurbish the house
reorganising the floorplan and adding one more storey. The house is composed by two shifted parts that creates an introverted and an extroverted part. With minimal interventions, eliminating the compositional, the Metamorphosis was accomplished.
Location | Comano, Switzerland |
Client | Daniele & Milena Somazzi |
Project phase | Study |
Copyright | Arbnor Murati |